Migrate your business solution to the cloud
Reduce your business costs by automating processes across all departments, and forget about infrastructure upgrades
Enjoy always being on the latest version, with regular new features seamlessly released twice a year, all as part of your subscription
Improve your business performance with real-time data and role-based dashboards, making confident decisions in the moment
Working with an experienced partner
At BrightBridge, we’re in a unique position to help Sage Line 500 and Sage 1000 users migrate to the cloud. We have intimate knowledge of your current solution and the target solution, Oracle NetSuite.
Our experts have developed a set of tools and methodologies to ensure a smooth transition to a modern, Software as a Service (SaaS) application with an unrivalled development future.
Ready to find out more?
We’d love to hear about your experience with Sage to date, and how you’d like your business to continue to grow in the future.