Wholesale distribution companies can utilise functionality like NetSuite’s SuiteAnalytics to both complement and streamline their custom applications.

5 ways SuiteAnalytics can drive growth for retail and distribution businesses

In a data-driven world, a transparent approach to business intelligence (BI) is key when it comes to improving performance and futureproofing for years to come. For companies great and small – from larger corporations to ever-pivoting SMEs – flexibility is front and centre of the post-pandemic roadmap. For this reason, cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions such as Oracle NetSuite put businesses back in control of their often-siloed data. Empowering users to self-serve real-time analytics to quickly get the answers they need (when they need them), wholesale distribution companies can utilise functionality like NetSuite’s SuiteAnalytics to both complement and streamline their custom applications – paving the way to future growth. Here’s 5 Ways SuiteAnalytics can help your business drive action, while expanding both efficiently and effectively with the right ERP solution in your corner.

Improve transparency

With hybrid working here to stay, SuiteAnalytics offers wholesale distribution businesses that all-important, all-seeing view of BI at any given moment (however and wherever teams happen to be working that day). Delivering transparency in real-time – from summary to transaction level for business-wide insights – this holistic and cohesive approach gives both internal and external teams increased visibility, and thus more control over what comes next; with more than 100 pre-built reports, users can gain insight into almost any area of the business. With one single version of the truth combined with visual analytics, key decision-makers are also able to make smarter, more informed choices based on the very latest data – available to them at all times.

For business-critical information at-a-glance, key performance indicators (KPIs) empower wholesale distribution and retail businesses to drive productivity.


Maximise productivity

For business-critical information at-a-glance, key performance indicators (KPIs) empower wholesale distribution and retail businesses to drive productivity in an efficient, time-saving manner when it really counts the most. No two companies are the same, so KPIs are fully bespoke and easily added to the NetSuite Dashboard, improving business agility while also providing users with an intuitive way of interacting with their data; with multiple ways of visualising KPIs, users can also create custom tabs to include additional KPI information. When it comes to actionable insight, SuiteAnalytics dashboards – from accounting and sales to fulfilment and support – are fully customisable to help drive maximum productivity, while meeting the ever-changing needs of a business.

Pre-empt future problems

With the enhanced capability of identifying potential issues before they ignite, SuiteAnalytics gives retailers the ability to drill down into reports thanks to its real-time, user-friendly dashboards. Dependent on the needs of the business, custom reports can also be created for the majority of transaction types, while making it easy to move from summary level to greater detail as and when required. Utilising SuiteAnalytics Workbook, users can improve their core operations so as to free up insights previously buried deep within their data. This enables business to identify unexpected problems before they occur, as well as new opportunities – while also building processes that enable continuous learning and feedback.

Stay competitive

From staying afloat to staying competitive, SuiteAnalytics adopts a customer-focused approach – helping all departments within the wholesale distribution workforce better understand the details behind their company-wide data. Whether that’s creating sophisticated criteria filters with real-time visualisations to pivot and chart capabilities through SuiteAnalytics Workbook or harnessing the functionality of the Saved Search feature to filter and match data to answer all manner of business questions, SuiteAnalytics is designed to support even the most inexperienced user with powerful data analytics at their fingertips. With greater emphasis on control and collaboration concerning BI, SuiteAnalytics allows firms of any size to remain ahead of the curve as a united force – giving all relevant parties the power to drive the business successfully forward based on the most accurate picture.

Create sophisticated criteria filters with real-time visualisations to pivot and chart capabilities through SuiteAnalytics Workbook.


Drive future growth

From SuiteAnalytics Workbook to SuiteAnalytics Connect, Oracle NetSuite’s ERP solution is specifically designed to support those businesses who sell and distribute products to gain greater visibility and insight into their data, while complementing processes with a cycle of continuous shared learning. Through the automation of routine tasks, the intelligent features also help to deliver better outcomes thanks to smarter decision making further down the chain. Not only can SuiteAnalytics help customers understand why things have happened to their business, but also what they can do next to drive further growth with meaningful, timely and actionable insights integrated as standard.


Are you a retail, manufacturing or distribution business looking to drive productivity though cloud ERP solutions? Oracle NetSuite’s SuiteAnalytics could provide you with the transparency you need while futureproofing your offering, whatever the current landscape. As a NetSuite Solution Provider, our team are waiting to hear from you – head to our contact form and one of our experts will call you back.